Thursday, January 15, 2009

Using Focus As a Fast Way to Make Money

Those still looking for a fast way to make money online often find themselves searching for the perfect technique to make them money. But the truth of the matter is that making money online is not so much about some fancy new technique as it is about how you go about executing that technique.

Focus is the Key

Ask around the internet and many people will tell you that the one thing that's holding them back from making a steady income online is their lack of focus. Let's face it-we're always looking for the newest fast way to make money, aren't we? We bounce from one just revealed method to the next, never truly devoting the time necessary to one method before jumping ship for the next.

Sure, you may make a little money here and a little more there but you'll never advance to the next level unless you learn the secret of the gurus-focus.

Getting Back to Basics

Think about it-when you were a kid and you wanted to learn how to ride a bike did you jump from one bicycle to the next hoping one of them held the secret to keeping you upright? Nope. You took your bike out everyday and found a method that worked for you until you could ride that bike like the wind. Some of you may have relied on training wheels for a long time, others took them off and rode on the grass so falling would not hurt so much while others may have had Mom or Dad behind you helping you stay upright. The point is you found a method that worked for you and stuck with it until you hit pay dirt.

The same philosophy applies to finding a fast way to make money online. Find a method that works for you-be it article marketing, blogging or affiliate marketing-perfect it and let that one method be your highway to earning lots of money on the Internet.

Using the 10x Method to Help You Focus

Recently I watched a free video by the Rhodes Brothers that deals with the specific problem of lack of focus in people's Internet marketing endeavors. The video reveals a method of finding out what money making techniques work for you and then applying a laser-like focus on that one technique in order to achieve 10x or more the profits you would normally get. Instead of being happy with $100 a month from one method before trying to find something new and more profitable you keep duplicating that method and make $1000 a month with only a little more effort. Does that not sound better than trying to find a new method every month or so?

Let's face it, those that are successful never got there by being a jack of all trades. Donald Trump excels with real estate, Tony Robbins is a motivational speaker and David Beckham dominates soccer. The key to your online success is to find the one technique that works for you and perfect it. Duplicate that one thing which brings you in a little money until you've got the full time income you've been struggling to achieve.

Read my 10x Method review and watch the free video for yourself to learn how to explode your online profits.

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