Thursday, January 15, 2009

Quick Review of The 10x Method

Recently, I was invited to take a sneak peak at the 10x Method, an awesome and powerful video presentation by the Rhodes Brothers. It was free so, I figured I had nothing to loose. Also the invitation came from someone I trusted, so I took it. To cut a long story short, I am honored to say I loved what the Rhodes Brothers had to say. Their entire presentation can be summed up in two words- focus and simplicity. But what is the 10x Method? To appreciate the enormity of that question, here is where I came from.

I ventured out onto the net more than four years ago. During this time, I have had my share of confusion, frustration and despair. There have been times when I could not figure out which way to go. I routinely jumped on the next best thing, be it ebook or script that the gurus shoved my way. Some of the programs actually worked but not as well as the gurus promised and I would look for the next magic bullet. I lacked focus. I lacked the staying power needed to see a project to a logical conclusion. I was looking for the magic bullet. But the truth is that there is no magic bullet, at least not as the gurus said.

With maturity, I had gotten better and seeing significant progress. I no longer buy every little script and rehashed ebook because the gurus say so. What I needed was focus, simplicity and willingness to see projects that show signs of being profitable to their logical conclusion.

And then, the Rhodes Brothers and their 10x Method video presentation, putting in perspective everything that I had thought. Yes! That was all I could say. Now I know I had it. I had already figured that out but I was not sure. They simply confirmed for me what I was now doing.

Here is what I like about their 10x Method:

The 10x Method is unbelievably simple. The Rhodes Brothers do not advocate any particular program. They simply show you how to keep it simple. By keeping it simple, you are focused and dedicated. This is cutting age because, the bane of most beginning and even intermediate marketers in the problem of floating from one project to another because the gurus say so, and not allowing projects to mature before they embark on the next best thing. They do not choose programs based on what is working and what they like and can do, but on what the gurus suggest. The 10x Method instead, shows you how to take any program that is working for you, be it affiliate marketing or article marketing, it does not matter. You simply take what is working for you, and you scale it up 10 times. Simple!

The 10x Method will open the eyes of many fledgling marketer and open new doors for them. It is not only for newbies but for anyone who is feeling the crunch of information overload.

Austin Akalanze is a seasoned Internet Marketer and a prolific writer. His articles have been published in several directories all across the net. Read more about

The 10x Method here.

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