Thursday, January 15, 2009

Quick Review of The 10x Method

Recently, I was invited to take a sneak peak at the 10x Method, an awesome and powerful video presentation by the Rhodes Brothers. It was free so, I figured I had nothing to loose. Also the invitation came from someone I trusted, so I took it. To cut a long story short, I am honored to say I loved what the Rhodes Brothers had to say. Their entire presentation can be summed up in two words- focus and simplicity. But what is the 10x Method? To appreciate the enormity of that question, here is where I came from.

I ventured out onto the net more than four years ago. During this time, I have had my share of confusion, frustration and despair. There have been times when I could not figure out which way to go. I routinely jumped on the next best thing, be it ebook or script that the gurus shoved my way. Some of the programs actually worked but not as well as the gurus promised and I would look for the next magic bullet. I lacked focus. I lacked the staying power needed to see a project to a logical conclusion. I was looking for the magic bullet. But the truth is that there is no magic bullet, at least not as the gurus said.

With maturity, I had gotten better and seeing significant progress. I no longer buy every little script and rehashed ebook because the gurus say so. What I needed was focus, simplicity and willingness to see projects that show signs of being profitable to their logical conclusion.

And then, the Rhodes Brothers and their 10x Method video presentation, putting in perspective everything that I had thought. Yes! That was all I could say. Now I know I had it. I had already figured that out but I was not sure. They simply confirmed for me what I was now doing.

Here is what I like about their 10x Method:

The 10x Method is unbelievably simple. The Rhodes Brothers do not advocate any particular program. They simply show you how to keep it simple. By keeping it simple, you are focused and dedicated. This is cutting age because, the bane of most beginning and even intermediate marketers in the problem of floating from one project to another because the gurus say so, and not allowing projects to mature before they embark on the next best thing. They do not choose programs based on what is working and what they like and can do, but on what the gurus suggest. The 10x Method instead, shows you how to take any program that is working for you, be it affiliate marketing or article marketing, it does not matter. You simply take what is working for you, and you scale it up 10 times. Simple!

The 10x Method will open the eyes of many fledgling marketer and open new doors for them. It is not only for newbies but for anyone who is feeling the crunch of information overload.

Austin Akalanze is a seasoned Internet Marketer and a prolific writer. His articles have been published in several directories all across the net. Read more about

The 10x Method here.

Work at Home Business Opportunities - How to Find Stable Work at Home Opportunities!

These days it is tough to find legit work when it comes to home business opportunities. I know this because I spent countless hours searching, before I found a respectable company. Network marketing has changed drastically over the last five years, due to the ability to use the Internet to reach the masses.

There are still many people who use outdated network marketing tactics that may work, but take more time and are much less efficient than Internet marketing. Since I started using the Internet as my primary tool for sales and recruiting, my success in network marketing has grown by leaps and bounds. Article marketing is a fantastic way to get free traffic for sales and potential distributors, as opposed to cold calling and methods of a traditional nature.

Work at home business opportunities are all over the place. The trick is to find a good niche that people are interested in, and finding something you are interested in selling. Finding a business you are comfortable with will in turn make the product easier to sell. If you are a stay at home mom or just someone with some spare time looking to make an extra income network marketing could be for you. If your willing to put in some hard work and research to your particular niche there is no telling how much you can make.

If anything mentioned in this article is of interest to you, I encourage you to explore this opportunity. It could be the greatest thing you've ever done. How would you like to have the rewarding feeling of being your own boss and working from the comfort of your own home? I personally would'nt have it any other way.

With regard to the numerous inquiries I receive with regard to a stable work at home business opportunity, I would highly suggest: Start Earning Today

Pat Walsh is a highly respected author in the fields of online marketing and business creation with over 100,000 published article views.

How to Create an Online Business Opportunity in the Internet Jungle

The first thing to understand is that starting an online business means starting a business, not a hobby. These two things have a totally different influence on your behaviour. The number one thing in the process how to create an online business opportunity is to create the right attitude, the winning attitude.

1. The Most Important Thing Is To Stand out From The Crowd.

Online businesses do not differ from the traditional ones in that sense that the key thing is to differentiate your offer from all others, i.e. to be unique and to offer with this unique style useful things to other marketers of online business opportunities.

This is the key point in starting an online business. Why you are marketing online, what is your unique selling proposition and your target group. As a matter of facts the theme how to create an online business opportunity means answering to this question. How to create an online business with strategy that works?

2. The Essence With Online Business Opportunities Is The Persuasion Power.

If you do not like selling, that is ok, because you will use marketing material with which you contact people and persuade them to act as you will.When you will create online business, which has strong persuasion power, you will be among winners.

The persuasion power includes both the rational and emotional elements of your whole business. It must touch the emotions of the target person and to make him to want what you offer and also make him to want to deal just with you at that very moment.

3. How To Create An Online Business Opportunity If You Are A Newbie?

An enthusiastic newbie can be dangerous for himself. If he is so eager starting an online business that he just rushes into every offer, he will most probably lose his motivation and money. Very bad!

But how to keep the enthusiasm and direct it to the right things?

One good and proven answer is the affiliate program. Why? The answer is simple. A proven affiliate program has a full set of everything a newbie needs, an affiliate just has to start learning while he promote and maybe makes some money at the same time. That is ideal!

4. You Sell The Same Products As The Others But Do It In Your Way!

Again, to be able to differentiate is the way to success. There is no shortcut! You can compare your online business opportunity with your department store, which sells the same products as all others. But you can differentiate your store with your name, your building, your interior, your service people, your advertising, your pricing, your loyal customer program etc. The chances to do that are enormous.

Juhani Tontti, B.Sc., Marketing. How To Create An Online Business Means Making The Difference. What Are The Steps In Creating An Online Business To Make Money Online. Visit: Starting An Online Business

5 Small Business Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Small business owners can have a hard time finding the right ways to market their product or service. There are plenty of right ways to do things, and plenty of wrong ways. Here is a brief overview of some of the mistakes to avoid when marketing your small business:

Mistake #1: Not researching your product need
Many people have a wonderful idea of a product that is needed in the market, and then spend all their money to create it. You need to research the market first to make sure there isn't already a similar product out there, and whether there is even a need for your product.

Conduct market research, hold focus groups and only make a small run of your product - a few hundred or so - to test your target market with. This can save you a lot of money and heartache in the long run.

Mistake #2: Thinking that the product will market itself
Many small business owners think their product is so great that they don't need to do any marketing at all - people will flock to you. That's just not true, and I can't think of one example of where it was true. Everyone thinks it's because the "right product" just hasn't been invented yet, but unfortunately, that's not the case. It just won't work that way. How can people flock to something they've never heard of?

You must consistently market your product, which means you need to create a marketing plan. You must define your target market, your unique selling point that distinguishes you from your competition; you must develop a marketing action plan and decide on a marketing budget. These are just the bare-bones basics of a marketing plan. You need some kind of plan to be successful. If you don't know how to create a marketing plan, just Google "marketing plan" or "marketing agency" - many agencies are hired to just create marketing plans.

Mistake #3: Preparing and then not taking action
Many business owners have a fear of failing. Actually, who doesn't have this fear? But instead of trying to prevent it, you need to follow your marketing plan (see Mistake #2) and forge ahead. It's hard at first, no one will tell you it's not, but you have to sell one product in order to sell a million. If you fail, evaluate what went wrong, try to fix it and try again. Repeat as needed!

Mistake #4: Constantly changing your marketing campaign
It happens a lot - the business owner and employees see their marketing materials every day and get tired of them. The same old poster printing images, the same old brochure copy...who wants to see that after six months of it being around? Your potential customers do, that's who.
Just because you've seen your logo a million times, doesn't mean everyone has. If your marketing campaign is working just fine, don't change it for the sake of change. A million people haven't seen your logo at all. Don't change your marketing campaign until it stops bringing in customers.

Mistake #5: Don't play monkey-see, monkey-do with your competitors
You should know what your competitors are doing, but you shouldn't copy it just because it works for them.

If a competitor is known as a "low price leader," don't try to beat him out of that title - choose another like "high quality leader." Find an important quality that your competitors aren't giving to your shared target.

Kaye Z. Marks is an avid writer and follower of developments in the poster printing industry and how these improvements can benefit small to medium-scale businesses.

Using Focus As a Fast Way to Make Money

Those still looking for a fast way to make money online often find themselves searching for the perfect technique to make them money. But the truth of the matter is that making money online is not so much about some fancy new technique as it is about how you go about executing that technique.

Focus is the Key

Ask around the internet and many people will tell you that the one thing that's holding them back from making a steady income online is their lack of focus. Let's face it-we're always looking for the newest fast way to make money, aren't we? We bounce from one just revealed method to the next, never truly devoting the time necessary to one method before jumping ship for the next.

Sure, you may make a little money here and a little more there but you'll never advance to the next level unless you learn the secret of the gurus-focus.

Getting Back to Basics

Think about it-when you were a kid and you wanted to learn how to ride a bike did you jump from one bicycle to the next hoping one of them held the secret to keeping you upright? Nope. You took your bike out everyday and found a method that worked for you until you could ride that bike like the wind. Some of you may have relied on training wheels for a long time, others took them off and rode on the grass so falling would not hurt so much while others may have had Mom or Dad behind you helping you stay upright. The point is you found a method that worked for you and stuck with it until you hit pay dirt.

The same philosophy applies to finding a fast way to make money online. Find a method that works for you-be it article marketing, blogging or affiliate marketing-perfect it and let that one method be your highway to earning lots of money on the Internet.

Using the 10x Method to Help You Focus

Recently I watched a free video by the Rhodes Brothers that deals with the specific problem of lack of focus in people's Internet marketing endeavors. The video reveals a method of finding out what money making techniques work for you and then applying a laser-like focus on that one technique in order to achieve 10x or more the profits you would normally get. Instead of being happy with $100 a month from one method before trying to find something new and more profitable you keep duplicating that method and make $1000 a month with only a little more effort. Does that not sound better than trying to find a new method every month or so?

Let's face it, those that are successful never got there by being a jack of all trades. Donald Trump excels with real estate, Tony Robbins is a motivational speaker and David Beckham dominates soccer. The key to your online success is to find the one technique that works for you and perfect it. Duplicate that one thing which brings you in a little money until you've got the full time income you've been struggling to achieve.

Read my 10x Method review and watch the free video for yourself to learn how to explode your online profits.